Advanced Diploma Account Setup – DIBA

Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings. Thanks for joining us at Tekedia Institute. We have created or upgraded your account at  with your email address (the very one you received the invitation for account setup).  There are three steps; Step 3 is compulsory. If you do not do it, you will not see your course in your profile.

Step 1: [Do not forget Step 3] If you have an account already at , click Sign In, put your email and password. Then, click Sign In which is below your password and has a red background, to login. Move to Step 3.

Step 2: [Do not forget Step 3] If you do not have an account yet, click Sign In,  then click the circular button by the right side of the red-background Sign In.

The circular button (password recovery), once clicked, will ask you to put your email. Put your email and click Reset Password. Then go to your email box, and click the link in a new email from Tekedia Institute titled “Password Recovery”. Type any password of your choice (remember it please); click Reset Password. Click Log in to login into the platform. (In all cases, your username is your email.)

Step3: You must do this step for your course to show in your profile. For privacy compliance, click here, and then click “Take this course” to complete the setup.


You will see your course on My Profile. Click the Course ( Advanced Diploma in Business Administration).

You will see under Lesson, Week 1, Week 2, etc.

Note: once you have done this setup, next time, just go to and login).


You can watch this video also


  • Abraham Ouma

    How do I continue to week2 once I’m done with the first one?

    • Tekedia Institute

      Mark Week 1 complete. Then click Week 2 for it to open

    • nancyijeoma857

      Having completed the steps as instructed above. Please sir, What is the next step to take?

  • omolola19

    Hello, I just signed up for this course today 21st of March. I am still going to meet up with schedules. seeing comments of whatsapp groups and the likes indicates, the 8 weeks countdown have started. hope I am stile in the loop?

    • Tekedia Institute

      Do not worry on the 8 weeks. You will have access for 12 months even though the course is for 8 weeks.