Igba-Boi: The Igbo Apprenticeship System


The Tekedia Igba-Boi: The Igbo Apprenticeship System program is designed to run for 8 weeks, and is structured to prepare learners on the mechanics of the Igbo business worldview philosophy of entrepreneurial stakeholder capitalism where everyone rises, and not just a few. The program includes pre-recorded videos and  written materials.

The Igba-Boi business framework has been globally recognized as the largest venture funding model in the world. So, it deserves to be understood, mastered and scaled, just as Japan’s Kaizen, China’s Confucius and other global frameworks.

More so, as the world looks for how to manage the disruption in global economies as a result of technology, which has increased inequality,  Igba-Boi offers a new path for nations. The Igbos say “onye aghara nwanne ya” [do not leave your brethren behind], crystalizing a belief system that all can rise, not just a few. 

“The Igbos in Africa have been practicing for centuries what is today known as stakeholder capitalism”, we wrote in Harvard Business Review. In Tekedia Institute, we recognize that as the Umunneoma Economics (economics which works for all) and it looks more promising than Adam Smith Economics. This program will provide the tools, capabilities and elements necessary to not just understand Igba-Boi, but practice it in markets, in modernized ways.
